Rolling Resistance 5 classes from E (least efficient) to A (most efficient) Effect may vary among vehicles and driving conditions, but the difference between a E and an A class for a complete set of tyres could reduce fuel consumption by up to 7.5 %* and even more in case of trucks. Fuel savings and road safety depend heavily on the behavior of drivers and eco‐driving can significantly reduce fuel consumption.
Wet grip
Wet Grip 5 classes from E (longest braking distances) to A (shortest braking distances) Effect may vary among vehicles and driving conditions, but in the case of full braking, the difference between a E and an A class for a set of four identical tyres could be up to 30% shorter braking distance (e.g. for a typical passenger car driving at 80 km/h speed this could be up to 18m shorter braking distance)*. Stopping distances must always be respected.”
Noise level
Noise Level In addition to the noise value in Decibel dB(A) a letter (from A to C) displays whether the tyre external rolling noise performance is above the United Nation Reg 117 mandatory limit value (Class C = noisier tyre), the tyre noise is higher than the UN limit (Class B = average tyre) or more than 3 dB below the limit value (Class A = low noise tyre). NB: The tyre external rolling noise is not entirely correlated to vehicle interior noise.