Home|General information|Cooper-Avon Tyres Limited Pension Plan

Cooper-Avon Tyres Limited Pension Plan

In accordance with UK pension regulations and associated guidance, below are links to copies of the prevailing documents that are required to be published in a format available to the public, as approved by the trustee board of the Cooper-Avon Tyres Limited Pension Plan.

1. Statement of Investment Principles

In accordance with the UK Pensions Regulator’s guidance we have attached below a link to a copy of the most recent Statement of Investment Principles, as signed by the chair of the board of the Cooper-Avon Tyres Limited Pension Plan.

Statement of Investment Principles
202402 Cooper-Avon Tyres Limited Pension Plan_SIP (part 1) - signed.pdf 505KB

2. Implementation Statement

In accordance with the UK Pensions Regulator’s guidance we have attached below a link to a copy of the most recent Implementation Statement.

Implementation Statement
Implementation Statement.pdf 2MB

3. Chair of the Trustee’s Governance Statement

In accordance with the UK Pensions Regulator’s guidance we have attached below a link to a copy of the most recent signed Chair’s Statement as prepared by the chair of the board of the Cooper-Avon Tyres Limited Pension Plan.

Chair of the Trustee’s Governance Statement
Chair's DC governance statement 2023.pdf 616KB